To Seek, To Learn, To Teach
White Mountain Dinosaur Exploration Center (WMDEC) is founded and run by Paleontologist Douglas Wolfe, wife Hazel, and son, Christopher in participation with institutions and researchers locally and internationally.
WMDEC is dedicated to providing opportunities for citizen scientist to participate in scientific research that provides a deeper knowledge of Earth’s past, assisting all humanity as we go forward in time.
The center features the research of the Zuni Basin Paleontological Project and the Menefee Project, both located on Federal Bureau of Land Management land in New Mexico. All specimens are property of the public and are held in trust at Arizona Natural History Museum, Mesa, AZ and the Utah Natural History Museum, Salt Lake City, UT.
To Seek:
New Frontiers In the Earth Sciences
To Learn:
The Natural History of Earth and Life
To Teach:
Through Direct Experience, Media and Exhibits